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Thursday, December 26, 2013


Ok so that didn't last..  It hasn't even been thirty yet and I am already back at my computer eating a very unhealthy breakfast using my kids as an excuse as to why I am not going to make it today.  One of their christmas presents isn't working so I must leave 30 min before the store opens to stand outside and wait so that I don't have to stand 30 min in line inside and wait after it is open.  huh?  lol.  Anything to avoid getting our heart rate up.  Must get dressed to leave the house.  Feeling tired.  Want to go back to bed.  Catch 22...
Well, since I haven't written since August, you must know that I haven't lost any weight.  I have been working out more frequently but not quite enough.  More frequently equals about six times a month.  Which is not nearly enough to lost 30 pounds.  Especially since my eating hasn't changed.  :(  The sad part of it all is that I am getting used to being this weight and accepting myself at this weight that I am beginning to lack motivation to workout even more than I already did.  I keep telling myself, just 30 min each day on the elliptical - JUST GO DO IT!  That will at least be something to help start me off... ok going to do it now!

Monday, August 19, 2013

So Far So Good

Exercise us going great. I'm in my training schedule as planned. Took a rest day today. Will be back running on the treadmill tomorrow. 

Ran 4 miles with lots of walking. About every half miles. Took me 47 min. 

The day before I increased my swim by 100 meters. 

Today my food wasn'tgreat. ESP for a rest day. But getting serious again tomorrow!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Starting over.

So I was very success at losing all I my baby weight. 33 pounds actually. I went from 147 down to 114. Unfortunately with the pressure of being a part time working/ full time mom with a husband working in another state for a year and two months I was also successful at gaining it all back and then some. Today I weigh 154.8 pounds. The most I've ever weighed not pregnant. So here I am starting over. Only this time I didn't have a baby. I'm on day two in a row of working out for 20 min/day. So here we go. Before pictures...  My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Nov 17 and be halfway to my goal.