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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Marathon Training

With the Marathon only 13 days away, I had my final long run today. I was supposed to run 20 miles. I was hoping to run 22. But with the long runs increasing like they have been, I did not anticipate the sheer exhaustion I would be experiencing. I did not run all weeks in hopes to rest, but now I know how useful those midweek short runs really are. It was a mental battle this morning that stopped me at just barely 8.5.

I feel ok with my distance. I know I'm ready for 26.2. I gave my new shoes the test run I needed to before the big race. they were like a glove. Not a single blister or other discomfort.

The run was beautiful. I ran down cotton lane to try to mimic Montana as much as possible. The desolate streets and houses few and far between with lots of beautiful land to keep me company.

I passed the corn fields. I was amazed at how tall they are up close and was grateful for the shade they provided. It literally felt 10 degrees cooler running between them and their irrigation canal. I felt as if I better get used to the bugs flying too.

I passed many dirt fields fertilized with manure. That took my mind off the run for a short period of time. My favorite part was waking up with the horses. No up and around but them and me. I thought about which of the kids I coach I could trade gymnastics for riding time :). It's in the works.

Because my run fell short, Josh came and picked me up 6.5 miles from home. It's time to taper now and enjoy running for the sheer joy of it. I will be in Montana in 6 days. I can't wait to put some miles on my new shoes there!